
Creating an ESG Strategy


Step 1: Take Stock of Existing ESG Initiatives

1.1Organise meeting with and gather the key executive leader and stakeholders of ESG on going monitoring elements.
1.1.1Waste reduction and pollution management
1.1.2Energy consumption & efficiency
1.1.3Mobility of recycling campaign
1.1.4Employment policies & respect human right
1.1.5Social and communities contribution
1.1.6Health and safety policies
1.1.7Privacy and data control
1.1.8Ethical business practise
1.1.9Strategy sustainabilty oversight
1.2Review performnce on data collection to understand ESG policies and achievement.
1.3The ESG strategy will be based on the results finding of this sharing session.


Step 2: Set Priorities Through a Materiality Assessment

2.1A materiality assessment allows you to identify, refine, and assess the potential ESG areas that the company could focus on.
2.2Setting new baseline and prioritise the goal for more realistic to the organization.
2.3Layout new ESG landscape with timely monitoring progress chart and bench marking on scoring againts the objective.


Step 3: Assemble Your ESG Committee

3.1Set up ESG committees that responsible for creating and executing the ESG strategy.
3.2Appoint dedicated and accountable team or governance committee to overseeing ESG strategy, implementation, and measurement.


Step 4: Measurement & Reporting

4.1Decide which metrics and KPIs to report on and how often to create reports on the efforts in force.
4.2Identify methodology to track and confirm each KPI, and consider putting 3rd party auditing to make the KPIs more credible.


Step 5: Set Your ESG Goals

5.1Finalize the ESG goals specific to the company.
5.2Assess the interests and focus of the industry that customers desire from a responsible organisation.
5.3Achieve and accomplish the easier goals to move on with momentum and hopefully more budget to work toward greater goals.


Step 6: Set Your Budget

6.1Setting the budget that organization’s financial boundaries and opportunities for rolling out the ESG strategy.
6.2Apply with an ROI analysis including financial, material, and long-term ROI right for investors or customers and employee satisfaction.


Step 7: Construct Your ESG Framework & Action Plan

7.1Create a realistic ESG framework and action plan that pave the way for meeting those goals.
7.2Outline the company’s vision & Mission that allign with the ESG goals.
7.3Be flexible and fine tuning of ESG on changes derive from company policies and procedures.
7.4ESG investing is based on more quantitative data due to the use of ESG scores and metrics.

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